A New Chapter

Hi Friends,

It’s been a while since I’ve shared anything on this blog. Partially because life can be hectic with littles and life, but partially because I’ve been pursuing some other goals. Goals  that will cause some changes around here.

I like to write. No surprise, right? I’ve been blogging for nearly four years now, and writing has always been a way I like to communicate, reflect, and hopefully inspire some of you. I’ve talk a lot about goals and I decided to start toeing the line on some of my own beliefs and pursue some goals that, quite frankly, scare the crap out of me.

I am a writer, but I want to make it something more. I want to be an author. Specifically, a children’s author.

I realize that sounds like the dream of a nine-year old girl (and it was mine at nine, go figure), but if I can’t be honest about the dreams I have and the goals I’m going to pursue, how can I call you out on the same thing? It’s time for me to start practicing what I preach, and I’d be honored if you’d stay with me for the ride.

I’m keeping my beloved blog, because I love sharing my running and faith with you, and I still will, but I will also be sharing some of my writing experiences with you: the rejection, the struggles, and (hopefully) the successes.

The site will have have a few changes as I change my focus.  I would love any feedback from you, because your support and encouragement means the world to me. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

I also would love to hear from you about your big, scary goals. I can’t be the only one who wants to pursue something that seems so far out of reach. I would love to encourage each other and support one another as we chase goals, big or small, scary or not. Drop a comment below or send me an email telling me what your up to! I would love to hear from you!

– Cate

_Books are a uniquely portable magic.” – Stephen King



Writing for Children

One response to “A New Chapter”

  1. […] I‘ve shared recently about a dream and goal I’ve decided to actively pursue. While I’ve always been writing, I decided I needed to make writing a habit. Steven King writes 2,000 words EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. If he can write that much, I can find time within a day to crank out at least 500 words. That’s an easy enough benchmark to hit every day. […]


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